Sometimes I have the feeling our live is one big whirlwind of regular work (we have to make a living), RopeMarks workshops, shows, updates, study, parties and networking. In this whirlwind we call life there has always been a big storm helping us, arranging things, supporting us, the man could arrange anything you wanted… cheap! (after all, we are Dutch :)).

This big storm is, Joost, a man with many sides to his life. We had the pleasure to be part of two sides of his life. “had the pleasure” As in past tense, his life was recently taken by a (always) meaningless fight, he was murdered.

Joost will be missed by many, including us.

We have more news and information to share, but it seems a bit meaningless after having written the above lines, so… more later.


De storm is gaan liggen…

* 12 Mei 1962
† 2 Februari 2007




We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.
    -Chuck Palahniuk

No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away.
    – Terry Pratchett

These people have created ripples in abundance, remember them

Saikatsu | Randa Mai | Miura TakumiYukimura HarukiAkechi Denki | Osada Eikichi

Dennis Diem | Hans MeijerMaria Shadoes |  Joost