Want to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth?
I was really impressed by the energy, pace and effortlessness you tie with
very pretty [the Shady Lady], sexy [show], romance [connection between the Shady Lady & RopeMarks]
loved your performance at Onawa Asobi
Your skill, care, focus, creativity as well as the overall flow, choreography were inspiring and really opened my eyes (and mind) to Shibari.
RopeMarks’ show [with the Shady Lady] was, in a word, amazing!!!
The show was beautiful, exciting, intense and above all loving
The interaction between [Bob and the Shady Lady] was intens but the delight was evident on both their faces
the connection between [RopeMarks] and [the Shady Lady] took the show to the next level
an intense show with its sparks splashing off
His [RopeMarks] perfect 👌timing was like the icing on the cake
Bob [RopeMarks] is laid-back and in control with -that-nice and special ambiance
Bob [RopeMarks] got some proper stage presence
The interaction is great … [RopeMarks] always guarantees a great session/show
breathtaking show
amazing how RopeMarks can tie so fast
You are one of the best riggers in the world! Great respect!
A great show. Fun to watch with a good pace.
absolute fan of your energy and ambiance [on stage]
amazing what you did
one of the highlights this year! RopeMarks and Cobie during their Main Stage Show
an incredible performance
this technically brilliant show was the best of this year’s Boundcon.
Jaw to the floor
Wow Cobie and RopeMarks performance was the most beautiful thing in the world. You guys, well done, you looked absolutely amazing xxx
wonderful kinbaku show (I never get enough of this)
wonderful kinbaku show, I am impressed by the skills of RopeMarks
It was wonderful to watch you and Spring tie on stage, very powerful, fluent, energetic scene
amazing performance
Loved your performance
This was amazing to watch
your show made me feel like in a trance rope concert… that was great.
[RopeMarks performances] are alway very dynamic and spectacular
Your performances are amazing, funny and touching
hope you will come next year!
lively, hot, dynamic, erotic and great music
your shows where the favorites in our community
bondage classic in a dynamic form under techno-trance
(бондажная классика в динамичной форме под разухабистый техно-транс)
[…] cheerful, fast, loud was just the right way!
An excellent final of the second day!
(Отличный финал второго дня!)
you have the best show [on BoundCon] every year
…high quality performance…awesome to watch.
[…] what an art, magnificent knot work.
Truly amazing!
Beautiful and impressive show
Beautiful show and beautiful, beautiful [Japanese rope] bondage.
your stage presence is captivating
…I was mesmerized watching your performance…
…you make it [Japanese rope bondage] look so easy…
… what an amazing performances … really insane …
Immensely enjoyed you[r performance] last night!
I was absolutely mesmerized last night by the performance by RopeMarks.
Closing the festival, the guest of honor, surely my favorite European rigger: Bob Roos of RopeMarks, from the Netherlands. Bob has always been a stage artist, always creates beautiful shows and did not hold back for Shibari on Stage. Together with the Italian Minou Rossi they performed a sweet and bloody story, made of care and pain, passion and fear.
…you did a great job “hiding” the brilliant techniques by a great entertaining show…
[RopeMarks] in his element as evil butcher. [After at least 17 years of perfomances] it was again a surprising performance. I thought this to be one of your best!
… surprising … caught myself watching with wide open mouth
[After at least 15 years of anniversary perfomances] Once again you’ve managed to top yourself
…it was a surprising combination, one that kept me on the edge of my throne
What a performance…
It was clear to see these pro’s really enjoyed themselves on stage
A energetic [show] with matching music, great visuals and fantastic ropework
You [RopeMarks] are such a great entertainer that it is easy to miss the amazing techniques that you use.
Where others slow down during their performance [because the bondage gets complicated] you speed up.
It´s impossible not to be impressed by Bob´s amazing techniqual skills, his speed, his sense of humour and stage presence.
an absolutely amazing show
the show was breathtaking
it was really amazing to see your show, so real and unique, absolutely flawless
The performance of RopeMarks is again touching and horrifying beautiful
I wish you guys could stay on stage longer.
Bob is the best Amsterdam Kinbakushi
De eerste show van het 11 jarig bestaan van mijn party werd geheel volgens traditie verzorgd door RopeMarks. RopeMarks is niet stil blijven staan en is nu een wereldwijd gerespecteerd bondage icoon geworden. De show van RopeMarks was super professioneel, razend snel waardoor het spannend en onderhoudend blijft en bovenal een lust voor het oog. In de 11 jaar party hebben wij de nodige bondage shows en demonstraties gezien, maar niets maar dan ook niets heeft ooit aan Ropemarks kunnen tippen. RopeMarks, heel erg bedankt voor de spannende show en hele dikke kus.
[…] a spectacular and top-class kinbaku show from Bob (RopeMarks) and Dutch Dame.
[…] we loved their [RopeMarks & Dutch Dame] interaction with each other and the public.
The live show was really good, there was this kind of match between a Dutch nawashi (RopeMarks) and Arisue-san (Arisue Go) — it was really popular with the customers.
Het lijnenspel van de touwen rond haar lichaam, de rode druppels was op haar geheven achterste, dit alles omlijst met autentieke Japanse klanken, creëerden een fraai en esthetisch schouwspel waar alle aanwezigen zeer van onder de indruk waren
RopeMarks levert zeer indrukwekkende en met liefde uitgevoerde bondages