It really is time to make a book about them, because right now geeks are “hot”. Some even define them as “a member of the new cultural elite” (John Katz). One used to call mostly youngsters and young adults with strange and obsessive interests like science, books and roleplay games “geeky”. Today there are geeks in every field. Geekdom is a way to cope with the flood of information, nearly drowning the world today. The mainstream, the “multiple” people surf on that information wave, wherever it may take them. Geeks choose to create personal islands, their personal world and universe of information of nearly sole interest. In a way geekdom seems to create a home for one’s mind and therefore happiness and contentment

Generation Geek contains a theory of geekdom, answering to “why?”-, “how?”- and “when?”- questions. Also, you get to meet and discover some geeks with me: musicians, artists, hackers, scientists,…..

Rebekka has kindly made some of the production shots available for us.

Rebekka Nietzke | RopeMarks