We were already “warned” by the organization of BoundCon that this year would be the best BoundCon yet. This year the location was a big industrial/factory area (Kultfabrik) with a lot of clubs. In one of the buildings (Tonhalle) was this years BoundCon and the big BoundCon after party was in one of the clubs (Matador) of the Kultfabrik grounds.

On our first day we had a Custom Photo Shoot. This is where a limited number of people pay a certain amount to watch you tie and do your thing for one full hour and they get to take photo’s.

Since this is a private shooting where we do not have photo’s from we have a photo of Chantal trying on some accessories that we used for one of the things we did. We also had one main stage show on the first day.

The second and third day we were “free” to do our own thing. This year we had our new DVD to sell and we did bondage demonstration in our booth and around the fair. Unplanned the focus was on using bamboo oriented bondage’s (usually I bring my bamboo and don’t use it, this year we made up for it :). One of the things that was extremely nice this year is that we got prints from a few photographers from the demonstrations we did. We proudly hung them in our booth (they where cool photo’s), thanx guys!

A very unexpected pleasure was seeing Mick and Dee from LuvBight on the fair. We never met “in the flesh” and think they are very friendly people. It turned out they had the room right next to ours in the hotel. They are even great company in the morning… Which is more than can be said of me 🙂

On the after party and the fourth day of the fair we had another main stage show.

What more can I add; we got to see, speak and exchange idea’s with a number of familiar faces again; like (but not limited to) Matthias Grimm, Patrick (Shibari by Patrick), Lew Rubens, Sgt Major. Met some beautiful models. The exposure we get from events like this is really great. The DVD sold exceptionally well. The locations were fantastic, something we do not have here in the Netherlands.

The organization of BoundCon was 100% right, this was definitely the best BoundCon yet! We’re looking forward to being there next year!

