rm20060415_0131April 15, Our 16nd day in Japan

Stress… Getting up at 07:00 in Ohara, packing suitcases, having Japanese breakfast (fish and miso-soup!). Calling taxi to bring us to subway, taking subway to Kyoto station. Just in time to hop on the shinkansen to Tokyo. Trying to get some sleep in the shinkansen (not!). 3 hours later in Tokyo, looking for the right exit, finding a taxi. Trying to tell the driver where to go (Japanese address thing again). Check in the hotel, unpack what we need, shower, pack Nawa and goodies, back to the Tokyo subway to Ikebekuro, Osada Steve’s Studio Six. At Ikebekuro finding the right exit, finding the right address, finding the right floor, getting in the elevator and…. made it on time with minutes to spare but very tired.

This evening we where announced as a feature in Studio Six and did a few very nice things during the 4 hours that this evening lasted. Of course we got see a few very nice things from nawashi Osada Steve.

After the Studio Six evening we got a short tour in the Roppongi area of Tokyo, giving us a completely new view on Tokyo (it is said that “Amsterdam has it”, well for us “Tokyo has it”). We ended in one of the two Jail Tokyo’s (Tokyo Jail, Roppongi Jail), met a few very nice people again and eventually did a short demo/show there. We left Jail Tokyo at around 03:00 at night, having been up for almost 20 hours we felt it was time to go back to the hotel. We left Steve at the Jail, playing with his new toy 🙂

(update: All pictures are available on Club RopeMarks )

