
We’ve been neglecting our website a little! With that I mean that only the necessary actions to keep the site running smoothly have been done. However this does not mean we have been doing nothing! In fact we’ve been doing quite a lot, which immediately gives you the reason we did not find the time to keep the site up to date for you. Well, we have corrected that and there are truckload of new (old :)) things to see for you.

First of all, since the last update we have appeared on several TV shows from around Europe, either as feature or as supporting “act”. You might have caught us in the British program “Generation Sex” where we educate a young British couple into the perverse BDSM pleasures Amsterdam (the Netherlands) has to offer, or maybe on the Croatian program “Red Carpet” where we tell you more about who we are, what we do and why we like it :). These and two more Dutch television programs we’ve appeared in can be found in our media section.

Second, we’ve not been sitting still with our shows and the last months we’ve been travelling all over Europe, most notably the Netherlands (obviously :)), Germany, Italy and France.  There’s even an old video (2007) that we got our hands on, man, I even like our own shows! :). We’ve ploughed through the show material upto 2008, where we had still or moving images they can be found in our show section.

Next, we’ve flooded our portfolio with images ranging back to 2006 with models like the Dutch Bondage Diva Chantal, the always lovey Miss Mirjana and many more. Also images of sculptures made from our modeling. If you have not been living under a rock you know that Twitter is the next hot thing, now, if you like one or more of our portfolio images, twitter it!  We’ve added a button just for that underneath the image (make sure you refresh the porfolio page properly). | 

Last but not least, our calendar has been brought up to date with all confirmed events and activities. 

Don’t forget to give some feedback! 🙂



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