This update you see me and two other lovely slave girls bound and whipped.

Did you know that there is a lot of free material on our website? Of course you know our portfolio, but have you seen our show page? It has among others 7 free video’s where you can see an impression of our bondage shows. New on our website is the calendar, see which parties we attend, where we do shows, when we give our next workshop or when we have another photo shoot planned, for instance with the Dutch Ancilla Tilia here with Bob and myself.

Since over 2 years I work for myself as freelancer. Which means I change jobs about every 4 months. One of my last jobs was at a company where I worked for almost a year. Very nice people and the work was also fun. In the time I worked there, Bob and I had two tv appearances on Dutch television. At the company only colleague M. knew about our bondage life, so I was a bit anxious if anyone else would find out. But it seems nobody did, well, I thought nobody did. Just recently I went out to dinner with M. and I heard that when I left the company (which was about 5 months after the tv broadcasts) one of the employees (a woman) did see me on television, found our website, put a number of photos on an USB stick and showed them to the board (all men) during a board meeting. I understand that she informed the board (was even happy that she did it after I was gone) but I do not understand why she had to bring the photos. She almost made a PowerPoint presentation of it 🙂 I have the feeling she made a bit of a freak show of it. I don’t think they understand what we do. If she would asked me in person, I could have easily explained, which gives a better impression then seeing the photos on our website as a vanilla person. I think the reaction of the men was not so bad, but there was one woman who said she had quit her job if she had known what I did in my free time; she did not want to work with such a person! Funny; because she worked with me for months without any problems. Ignorant, conservative, short-sighted people! The world would be a dull place if we would all think like that. The “snitch” colleague in this story thinks my relationship with Bob is not an equal relationship, that I am his slave girl. People who know me (that should also include the people I work with on a daily basis), know that I am not the submissive type. And if you know Bob; he is not a dominant. That is not our way of the alternative lifestyle. We have more with the sadistic and masochistic part of it. But everything we do, we do with mutual trust, safety and a lot of love. “Safe, sane and consensual” as we say in the SM community. Colleague M. who knew is a very nice woman. She is from a little Dutch village and does not have a lot of experience with “big city things”, she would not do the things I do, but she is open minded. I love open minded people. That’s why I told her in the first place. I have a good feeling about who I can tell and who not. The funny thing about this story is that the all the people knew that she was more then a collegue of me, we hit it off pretty good and they had a lot of trouble on finding out how they would tell M. about my supposely secret live. I wish I could have seen the look on their faces when they found out that M. already knew from the beginning and that she didn’t have a problem with it. I hoped it teaches the rest of them a bit of a (positive) lesson. Listen, think and look in the mirror before you judge someone else. A wise man once said: “I would like to meet interesting and creative people that inspire and don’t judge”.

Last month we did a show at La Nuit Demonia in Paris and we bumped into Kumi, always fun to see her! Eric Martin took our picture.
