For most of the past week Midori has been in town presenting as a guest teacher at the Dutch (Amsterdam based) contemporary art institute, Das Arts. On the last day of her time at Das Arts Midori was scheduled for a show. This, open to the public, show was done together with Kumi.

On Friday we picked up Kumi from the airport. While waiting on Kumi, having our first Starbucks (if you love it you know what I’m talking about :)), we received a text message from Miss Mirjana who by pure coincidence (is there such a thing?) also happened to be at the airport. We met up with Miss Mirjana and waited for Kumi to arrive.

When Kumi arrived pleasantries were exchanged and we all jumped in our car and drove of to the houseboat that Midori was staying on. More pleasantries were exchanged and we all walked down to the restaurant for food. The food was great, the company was great but the group of people sitting behind us was not so great; drunk and loud. They occasionally made conversations a bit difficult but we had a great time nonetheless.

Saturday was the day of Midori’s show with Kumi. We unfortunately had to miss it because of a private workshop elsewhere in the Netherlands. Sunday Kumi left again, heading for Greece. She was on her own that day since we had another private workshop somewhere in the Netherlands. On Sunday evening we got a relaxing way to finish our “action packed” weekend; a warm home-made dinner was waiting for us at Ancilla’s house… uhm, yeah, right… a phone, a order-in menu and the lovely Ancilla herself! As far as we are concerned, those are all the ingredients for a great end to our weekend :).

The icing on the cake of this weekend is being sick on Monday morning 🙁
All “get well soon” messages can be send to my personal mailbox :).

Kumi Monster | Midori | Miss Mirjana | Ancilla Tilia | Das Arts | RopeMarks