Workshop Kinbaku; Taking off

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When: Sun. 17 Okt. 2021
Start time: 13:00 – 16.00
Level: Intermediate, intermediate++
    rigger: Being able to tie a safe gote.
    bunny: Being able to be tied in a gote.
Location: Amsterdam (Nieuw West)
Price: €95 / couple

This is a clothes on, non-sexual workshop. Please wear comfortable clothing and for the bunnies choose a tight-fitting outfit.

Please sign up with the partner you’ll be tying with. You can sign up here!

Japanese rope suspension

Suspensions and transitions are amazing, but how do you get your partner safely up in the air? In my workshops I teach you to think ahead. What do you want to do? How do you prepare your gote for that? And then of course: how do you tie your uplines?

There’s a lot to be said about uplines. There are many variations, depending on tying direction, the amount of excess rope to “burn” and finishing your upline. Not to mention if you’re tying on a bamboo or with a ring. In this workshop your suspension point will be a ring, but I will demonstrate several techniques.

When we’ve covered the uplines your partner is ready for take off! You will execute a low-to-the-floor full body suspension in which you and your partner can experience and experiment (guided by Bob) with the sensation of all the forces, weight distribution, emotions and fun that come into play with a suspension. The suspension we’ve chosen offers many opportunities for extension and play.

In addition this workshop offers you the perfect base for the follow up workshop focused fully on suspensions!

For who?

This course is for you if you tying a gote is not a problem and you’re ready for the next step. This course is also for your if you want to refresh and solidify your kinbaku suspension foundation.


Topics that we will address are:

  • Gote refresher,
  • All the uplines and variations,
  • Safety in suspension,
  • Working with ropes under tension,
  • Full body suspension,
  • Weight distribution,
  • Rope handling,
  • Tension,
  • Flow,
  • Knots and frictions,
  • Untying,
  • Anatomy & safety,
  • Communication.

Each topic will include safety information, details to improve your rope handling, specific techniques to improve your tying, tension, flow and to deepen the connection with your partner. During the workshop there’ll be plenty of room for experimenting and personal advice.

The topics are aimed at kinbaku suspension basics but this can be upscaled when the level of the participants and the available time allows for this. This workshop does not allow for switching roles.

The practicalities

Please come as a rigger and bunny couple. Bring at least 8 pieces of rope, 8m in length, 6mm thick.
If you need rope, follow this link:

You will be supplied with a suspension point with carabiner. This will suffice for the workshop but feel free to bring your own suspension ring or set of carabiners.
If you need a suspension ring, follow this link:
If you need carabiners, follow this link:

We have coffee and tea. If you want something else to drink bring it in a bottle/container that you can close.

This workshop will be held in the Dutch language, but if needed we switch to English.


In every workshop safety comes first. To respect the Corona measures, we are allowing a maximum of 8 participating couples. The location is approximately 80m2 and with a maximum of 8 couples we can keep enough distance from each other. The space we’re in has a powerful extraction system that completely refreshes the air every 7 minutes. On top of that we can open opposing windows for continuous fresh air.

I want to participate

Great! Public registration opens 1 Oct. 2021 at 20:00 CET (That is 8 O’clock in the evening local Amsterdam, Netherlands time).


After your registration you will receive an email with further details about the location.

If you want to beat the queue for participating in future events consider subscribing to my mailing list. Subscribers get first opportunity to participate in our events.


If you need to cancel you fall into our refund policy. You will be fully refunded up to two weeks before the start date. Within two weeks you will receive a 85% refund, in the last week you will receive a 70% refund. Should you have to cancel within 3 days of the workshop start date you will receive a 50% refund. This scale has to do with the costs I incur to set up this workshop. You can always replace yourself for another couple, you will then be fully refunded. When you need to cancel for COVID-19 reasons I will do some calculations after the workshop and when I keep getting out of the costs when refunding you in full, I’ll do that.

If the cancellation comes from me you will be fully refunded.

We’re all still affected by COVID-19 and should we reach a point where this is the reason I have to cancel, you will be refunded in full.


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Who’s RopeMarks?

RopeMarks (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) a.k.a Bob Roos started studying and specializing himself professionally in Japanese rope bondage (shibari, kinbaku) in 1999. Over his career he studied under the lineage of the late Akechi Denki (明智伝鬼) and Naka Akira (奈加あきら) in the land of the rising sun. RopeMarks’ work reflects the traditional techniques taught by these leading nawashi’s but is vastly complemented with his own distinct and unique style.

RopeMarks is recognized as the leading Dutch specialist in the field of Japanese rope bondage. In the world-wide kinbaku scene RopeMarks is a house-hold name of very good reputation.

RopeMarks has been teaching Japanese rope bondage around the globe, from Europe to the USA and all the way to the country of origin, Japan.

Using the name RopeMarks Ryū he provides real, fun, hands-on, courses, classes, lessons and workshops in Japanese rope bondage (aka shibari or kinbaku) worldwide.


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