Kinbaku community Movie night #1

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Kinbaku community Movie night #1

I am happy to announce that in cooperation with “Nieuwkoop Rope Studio” we are organizing the first (of expectantly many) Kinbaku community movie nights.

The kinbaku community is a new RopeMarks initiative created on the Discord platform. You can read about the motivation  and direction in these two blogs

What is it

The movie night is a r/l and virtual get together. Together we will watch a movie and talk about the rope in the movie for fun, entertainment and education.  Before and after the movie there is free tying.

The entire event, including movie, will be streamed on the kinbaku community on Discord.

If you attend in r/l you are free to tie before and after the movie on one of the four bamboos that are available. If you attend virtually do connect your video and tie along or mingle with the other r/l and virtual guests.


Times are in CEST.


Attending in r/l is free but we do ask that you bring food and drinks to share. Alternatively you can donate any amount that you see fit to cover costs for setting this up (there will be a tip-jar).


For your and our safety we require that when participating in the r/l part of this event you have been- and are following Dutch government COVID-19 regulations. If you (think you) have signs of COVID-19 infection do not visit this event and take appropriate steps (i.e. get tested). The location is at a private residence, observing current COVID-19 regulations such as keeping 1.5 meter distance are mandatory. Soap and disinfectants will be present. Masks are required when moving from one area to another. When we suspect you are showing signs of infection you are kindly asked to leave.

How to join

This a RSVP only event with a limited number of r/l guests and a virtually unlimited number of virtual guests.

For r/l participation we operate on a first come first serve basis.
To join:

  1. Please enter the kinbaku community on Discord,
  2. RSVP for the event and
  3. Send me a DM there so I can provide you with the final details.

For virtual participation:

  1. Please enter the kinbaku community on Discord,
  2. RSVP for the event


Questions about this event can be asked in the kinbaku community.


Kinbaku community on Discord | Nieuwkoop Rope Studio | RopeMarks

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