Our last weekend was very different than our normal weekend. In the weekends our, my :), favorite activity is to tie up Chantal and have my way with her… actually that’s also my favorite activity during the week… anyway, before I get way of track here. This weekend we arranged for -the- German bondage specialist, Matthias T.J. Grimme, to perform in the Netherlands, once on the ShowBoat SM-Fetish Play Party of Mrs.Manita and once on Club DOMinanz, by Absolute Danny.

Matthias and his girl Jemina arrived friday in the afternoon at our place; quickly everything was very relaxed and nice. We talked a lot, laughed a lot and in general time flew by and we had to leave for Mrs.Manita’s party. As usual Mrs.Manita’s party are very nice to be at; a lot of familiar faces, real scene-people, the works. Matthias and Jemina’s show was cool to watch. In Holland It doesn’t happen very often (never!) that I get to watch a rope bondage performance with its roots clearly in the Japanese style that is quick, smooth, safe and beautiful to look at; all by the hands of a true master and his experienced model! Not long after the show we left. Matthias and Jemina have had a long day and another one in front of them.

Jemina during her show

Mrs.Manita and Chantal

The next day we got up -late-, had breakfast, went for a walk in the Amsterdam Red Light District, visited DeMask and talked some with the people working there (it’s always nice to visit a store where rubber and bondage are prominently available :). In the evening we rested a little before going of to Club DOM. This is another great initiative in Amsterdam. It’s a have fun and play party for a “small” intimate group of pervy people, The SM/Fetish “incrowd”. This is what makes it so much fun to be there. I won’t “bore” you again with how much I liked the show. I’m just glad I took my camera and forgot to make pictures :). We didn’t leave the party very late, Matthias and Jemina had a long drive back to Hamburg the next day.

For us this was a nice change of weekend activity that we don’t mind doing again.

SM-Fetish Play Party of Mrs.Manita | Matthias T.J. Grimme | RopeMarks