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Dominatrix, November 2012

By |2023-06-01T17:27:42+02:0030th November 2013|Categories: General|

Right on time for a proper review... Dominatrix, the new best fetish party in the Netherlands, the edition held on November 2012 (!!)... Screw it... Here is the review, [...]


London Festival of the Art of Japanese Rope Bondage, 2013

By |2023-06-03T08:32:04+02:0031st August 2013|Categories: Event, Live, RopeMarks Ryu, Workshop|Tags: |

What's in a name? In the end not much, it's content that determines value, but let's use the slightly easier abbreviation: LFAJRB. In the field of content this edition [...]


German Fetish Ball, 2013

By |2023-05-11T20:09:19+02:0021st June 2013|Categories: Event|

There a few German fetish events, my favorite, by far, is the German Fetish Ball in Berlin; this year celebrating its ten year anniversary. This time we rented an [...]


Goodbye 2010

By |2023-05-22T22:09:50+02:003rd January 2011|Categories: General|

A new year... a time to reflect on the past year and consider changes for the coming year. 2010 has in a way been a normal year with a few [...]


Kumi Monster and Midori

By |2023-05-21T21:40:09+02:0021st November 2007|Categories: General|

For most of the past week Midori has been in town presenting as a guest teacher at the Dutch (Amsterdam based) contemporary art institute, Das Arts. On the last day [...]



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