A bit late with the “report” on Fetish Evolution but I’m busy prepping for BoundCon 2011 and then some… Anyway, Fetish Evolution, FE, was simply brilliant again. Other engagements kept me from going the entire weekend so I only had the opportunity to visit the Ball this year.

On Sunday morning I woke with my girl on my side, spend a lovely Sunday morning, showered, packed and left for Essen. But not before I shackled my girl after her shower. The pic you see is a rare moment in our travel where she was allowed some freedom. The rest of the day was spend shackled until it was time to change for the party

Before the party the FE hotel is the nicest place to be, it was great fun to see and meet friends and familiar faces and have a drink together. We also ran into the people of Bibatex, it turned out they brought a lot of latex outfits and were so kind to let my girl borrow one for the party. My girl is stunning, I’m so proud to call her my girl, but wearing the Bibatex outfit with some minor additions from my side… she was (and is) simply irresistible. Judge for yourself…

The party itself is from the caliber, you must have been there to feel the vibe, close to perfect. In the course of the evening I felt it was time to play some more with my girl, dressed her up a bit more with a beautiful rubber hood, took her sight with a rubber blindfold, silenced her with a harness ball-gag and used rubber straps to secure her arms on her back. Without sight, limited hearing unable to speak or use her arms her world reduced to me, her trust completely put into my hands, I led her across the venue and kept her in this situation for, roughly guessed, an hour or two.

These shots were taken about an hour and a half after dressing my girl up.

Coming soon, BoundCon 2011. It promises to be a blast, mainstage shows, my own booth, custom photo shoots and some free-style rigging for the BoundCon organization.

Bibatex | RopeMarks