Munich, Germany

23 08 2023

By |2023-08-23T15:04:14+02:0023rd August 2023|0 Comments

your show made me feel like in a trance rope concert... that was great.

23 08 2023

By |2023-08-23T15:04:20+02:0023rd August 2023|0 Comments

[RopeMarks performances] are alway very dynamic and spectacular

23 08 2023

By |2023-08-23T14:56:58+02:0023rd August 2023|0 Comments

you have the best show [on BoundCon] every year

23 08 2023

By |2023-08-23T08:58:25+02:0023rd August 2023|0 Comments

I was absolutely mesmerized last night by the performance by RopeMarks.

23 08 2023

By |2023-08-23T08:25:58+02:0023rd August 2023|0 Comments

[...] a spectacular and top-class kinbaku show from Bob (RopeMarks) and Dutch Dame.

23 08 2023

By |2023-08-23T08:23:37+02:0023rd August 2023|0 Comments

[...] we loved their [RopeMarks & Dutch Dame] interaction with each other and the public.

21 08 2023

By |2023-08-21T21:49:28+02:0021st August 2023|0 Comments

Great workshop on armbinders. I really loved the way you teached this topic.

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